
  Dear Parents, Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! We are all so excited to welcome your children back into the halls and classrooms of Crestwood School! We trust you all had a restful and healthy summer holiday, and that your children are ready for a fantastic school year! We want to send a BIG

Important Announcements – Please Read

We have a few students at the school that are severely allergic to sesame and will have an anaphylactic reaction. Please DO NOT send any food with sesame products. Next week’s Welcome Back Coffee on Tuesday is cancelled to current Public Health restrictions. Thank you to all parents/guardians for your participation in our daily screening

Terry Fox Run 2021

  Dear Parents: At Crestwood we are proud of the commitment we have made to Community Service in the past. We are beginning the 2021-2022 school year with our annual Terry Fox Walk/Run, which will take place during the day on WEDNESDAY, September 29th , 2021. Students should be in their House t-shirts, Crestwood gym

Edsby Information

  For those of you not yet familiar with Edsby, it provides a modern way for parents and guardians to track their child’s homework, daily schedules, P/T interviews, weekly news, etc. New parents would have received an invitation email from Edsby recently which will provide a link that allows you to setup your own personal


  I would like to say a big thank you to all my Art Committee members. There was no Art Committee this year, but it played an integral role over the years. The students that took part spent a lot of time in the art room painting sets, creating costumes and making school plays so


  Dear Parents, As we complete our last FULL week of the 2020/2021 school year, we can’t believe this crazy year is coming to an end. Teachers are busy preparing for our final week together, and we are excited to end the year with lots of fun activities, and some very special events, including our

Edible Soil?

  In 3A, we learned that Soil is so much more than what’s under our grass. Each layer of earth is defined by its own “horizon”. These horizons run parallel to the ground and serve up distinct characteristics that aid the layers above and below. When a vertical section of these many horizons is taken,

Getting In Touch With Nature Art

3A learned about Andy Goldsworthy. Andy was born on July 26, 1956 and he lives in Scotland. He creates sculptures in nature using things such as: brightly-colored flowers, icicles, leaves, mud, pinecones, snow, stone, twigs, and thorns. We were inspired to create our own pieces of art in nature. Take a look at the amazing

Budding Artists

  The Grade 2 budding artists have had the opportunity to draw and colour these amazing Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge artworks representing two of Claude Monet’s greatest achievements: his gardens at Giverny and the series of paintings they inspired. In 1883 the artist moved to this country town, near Paris but just across the border of Normandy,


  Dear Parents Needless to say, hearing the news this past week about not being able to return to school for the remainder of the school year was devastating! That being said, we are a strong community and we will continue to put our best effort forward and complete the 2020/2021 strong.    In the Primary

Busy as Beavers

  The Grade Ones have been as “busy as beavers” exploring the animal world. Through reading, writing, art, and discussions they shared what they already knew yet enjoyed learning even more. We have to commend our Grade Ones on completing and presenting their very first research projects!  Way to go, Grade Ones!! Sarah Spiegel & Esther Alter

On the Wild Side! 

  Welcome to SKB’s jungle filled with a streak of TIGERS. We had a ROARING good week learning about zoo animals!   Question: How does SKB describe their awesome tiger hats?   Answer: Absolutely Purr-fect!  

Mmmm!!!! C’est délicieux!!!!!!

The grade six students have been busy cooking some amazing treats during French class.  We have enjoyed sharing different recipes with each other and explaining the process in French.  Hopefully we can try a few new recipes to share with our families!!! Bon appétit!!! Linda Liougas

Art Room Rumblings

  This month we have been busy working under the influence of Leonardo da Vinci’s scientific drawings. We have been studying nature and discovering all sorts of wondrous plants! Some poisonous ones, world’s biggest ones and all the naturally useful plants that surround us daily. Here are some of our botanical illustrations. Anya Romanenko

Comedy Central with SKB

There is nothing better than telling jokes after a successful chicken art lesson!!   Q:  Why did the chicken cross the road? A:  Because CRESTWOOD SCHOOL was on the other side!   Q:  Why did the chicken cross the Crestwood playground? A:  To get to the other slide!   Q:  Why did the chicken join the Crestwood band? A: 

The Beautiful Butterfly

  The JK’s are learning all about the Life Cycle of the Butterfly! They started as little tiny caterpillar’s Then they grew and they grew Now they are cozy inside their Chrysalises in their special Butterfly house We can’t wait to see what happens next!   RIP Eric Carle Melodie Young & Ros Sandler    


  Dear Parents, What a strange weather week it has been! From hot summer weather to November slushy rain – we’ve seen it all this week! We hope you have all found some time this week to get outside and get active. Thanks again for your support of our Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser. We

1st Grade Structure Strength

  Grade 1 participated in a fun, hands-on science workshop all about Structures, Materials and More. They followed an engineer’s journey from materials to structure. Next, they explored a variety of materials to understand their qualities. Then, through trial and observation, they tested for structural effectiveness. As well, they learned about attaching items together with a

3C Explore Henri Matisse!

On Wednesday 3C explored the life and art of a very famous artist, Henri Matisse! Henri Matisse was a French artist who was born in 1869. He created many different types of artwork during his lifetime. As Henri Matisse grew older and struggled with health problems, he couldn’t paint  and sculpt the way he used

Hot off the Press!

  Introducing our little Crestwood authors and illustrators.  JK & SK students have been working super hard creating their own books based on their class themes.  They have been busy typing away and letting their creativity flourish. Mae from SKA shared with me how she is now creating many more books outside of class time. 


  Dear Parents, As we “ZOOM” through May, we can’t believe we are nearing the end of the year. The hot, sunny weather this week made it feel like summer is just around the corner! We hope everyone is finding ways to stay positive and looking for things to be grateful for. The news in

Back in Time

3A travelled back in time to learn more about Life in Upper Canada in the 1800’s.  We participated in a virtual field trip to Black Creek Pioneer Village.  Together, we discussed the everyday lives and challenges of different communities that lived and worked in 19th century Ontario. We reviewed early settler food, clothing, education, recreation

Twist and Shout!

  Twist and Shout! Crestwood’s Gr. 2 and 3 student’s come together using the instruments in their music bag to perform The Beatles song Twist and Shout! Featuring 3B on the glockenspiel and main vocals! We hope you enjoy our rendition! Amanda Birchard  

A Bug’s Life!

  SKB likes BUGS! Black BUGS, Green BUGS, Bad BUGS, Mean BUGS Any kind of BUG! Round BUGS, Shiny BUGS, Fat BUGS, Mean BUGS, SKB likes BUGS! (And we really LOVE our BUG hats!) Julie Fox & Carly Hebscher   As we continue to explore the world of insects, we found this cute little ladybug


  Dear Parents, The spring weather has finally arrived! With the sunshine and warmer weather, we hope everyone’s spirits are staying high, despite these challenging times. We know remote learning continues to be extremely difficult on students, staff and parents. Thank you for your continued support as we navigate these last few weeks of school.