Internet Safety Presentation

Parents from the Primary, Junior and Intermediate Divisions’ are invited to Crestwood Lower School for a presentation and discussion about Internet Safety.   Please join us on Monday, January 18th, at 7:00 pm to hear Police Constable Laurie McCann discuss this ever-evolving challenge.   Officer McCann has spoken at Crestwood School in the past and the parents

Student Safety at Drop Off and Pick-Up

The safety of Crestwood students is always the most important consideration at school.  With that in mind, Crestwood staff would like to remind you of the routines and rules surrounding the drop off and pick-up of your children. Before school: * All students should be dropped off at the atrium if they are arriving at school before 8:20

Winter Weather Wishlist

Winter weather has arrived, and with the cold temperatures upon us, please ensure that your children are dressed appropriately for the weather. We are very concerned about keeping your children warm and safe. All students should come to school with hats, mittens or gloves, snow pants, a winter coat and boots.  Although students do stay inside on

Science Matters for Gr.5!

5A and 5B had an amazing time with their Scientist in School yesterday. Through a series of hands on experiments, students were able to create and experience both chemical and physical changes.  They were also able to identify a mystery substance by conducting an experiment using vinegar, iodine, and grape juice!  This was a great

Gr. 3’s Guest@GardinerMuseum

On Wednesday, December 9th the Grade 3 classes traveled to the Gardiner Museum. The museum is known for its vast assortment of ceramics ranging from ancient American vessels, fine porcelains of Asia and Europe, as well as many contemporary pieces. Students spent the afternoon in a dynamic hands-on workshop creating clay sculptures of animals. Teachers and

CoEd Hockey Tops TFS

The Crestwood School Co-Ed Hockey team defeated The Toronto French School 5-2 yesterday to begin the hockey season with two straight wins. The Cubs played a solid game from start to finish using strong skating, positive puck movement and deft defence. It was a tight contest for a period and half with chances being traded

Internet Safety Presentation

On Monday, January 18th, 2016, parents from the Primary, Junior and Intermediate Divisions’ are invited to a presentation and discussion about Internet Safety.  Please join us at 7:00 pm in Lower Crestwood’s gym to hear Police Constable Laurie McCann discuss this ever-evolving challenge.  Officer McCann has spoken at Crestwood School in the past and the

U12 Bball Routs Ridley

The U12 Basketball team travelled to Ridley College in style yesterday afternoon. From the moment we boarded our bus to the moment we stepped onto the court we had one thing on our mind, a win. Our boys took control of the game from the jump. In the first quarter we were up 9-7, which gave us some concern

JK-3 Skating School Begins in New Year

Dear JK ~ Grade 3 Parents, Our skating program begins Thursday, January 7h, 2016 and runs for 9 weeks. Below you will find a few suggestions from Performance Skating Schools prior to the first lesson. • Ensure skater’s movement is not restricted as a result of bulky clothing. • Snow pants are not recommended. • Layer clothing

Science in School

Scientists in Schools visited the grade 7 students on Thursday for an afternoon session about heat, energy, and particles.  Students did experiments with candle-powered putt-putt boats, heat lamps, metal particles, and used lots of water, thermometers, and food colouring in the process.  A hands-on and educational experience was had by all.

5B Matters!

The 5B Class has started our science unit on Matter. In this experiment, we watched a liquid (water) change to a gas (steam). We also watched a solid (Jello powder) change to a liquid when it dissolved into the boiling water. The blue liquid then changed back into a solid in the fridge, and we ended

Thank you!

A huge Thank You to all member of the Crestwood community who donated items for our clothing drive. The donations started slow but grew steadily and the final count is impressive. These items will be put to good use. At Crestwood our tradition has always been to instill in our students the importance of helping those in need.

U12 Boys Bball Tie Crescent

The home opener for the Crestwood U12 Boys Basketball Team took place yesterday versus the Crescent School. Crestwood had control of the contest from the outset but took their foot off the gas in the second half and ended up tying their neighbours. Coach Conn stated, “It is a work in progress. This team has

Cubs Pounce on Pumas

The Crestwood School Hockey Team started off their season with a dominant victory against the Pickering College Pumas. Our boys and girls played a strong, structured respectful game against a youthful, developing Pickering squad. Mike Fisher recorded the shutout and every skater registered at least one point. Our home opener is next Thursday at 3:15PM

Volleyball Girls Victorious

On Tuesday December 1st, the U12 girls volleyball team travelled to BSS for their game opener of the season.  With precision serving, bumping and spiking, the girls swept BSS 3 games straight.  We would like to congratulate the team on their season opening victory.  Coach Levinsky and Coach Suckstorff are very proud of the girls.  They played exceptionally well! Their next game is

Delicious Destinations

On Thursday November 26, the two Grade One classes wrapped up our Nutrition Unit by visiting Loblaws.  When we first arrived, Dietician Maria took us on a ‘nutritional tour’ of the story.  She talked to us about the importance of a healthy diet and showed us the locations of all 4-food groups.  We then went

Crestwood Clothing Drive

Imagine having to leave your homeland and arriving in a country in the middle of winter with practically nothing but the clothes on your back. At Crestwood our tradition has always been to instill in our students the importance of helping those in need.  With this in mind, we would like to contribute to THE CLOTHING DRIVE, which

Movember Spirit

Crestwood School’s support for many causes, including the big battle against cancer continued this month with some of our male teachers taking part in the Movember campaign. It culminated today with our own “Movember/Twin” spirit day. The whole school community was welcome to display their own moustaches or dress as someone’s twin. Students are able to

Strong and Stable Structures

Have you ever wondered how structures stand strong and stable all around us?  Scientists in the Schools visited the Grade 3 classes on Tuesday to teach us about structural engineering.  We learned that structures are anything that can be built that serve a purpose.  Structures can be man-made or natural and must either be able

Harbourfront Handiwork

Viewing, analyzing, sketching, transferring, carving, ink printing…Grade 7 students spent a busy day at Harbourfront Centre on Wednesday.  In a guided tour at the Museum of Inuit Art, students first learned about a variety of Inuit artists’ media and traditional themes.  Thus inspired, they then headed to the art studio for a Lino Printmaking workshop to

Gr.5 to Queen’s Park

This week the Grade 5 classes went to the Legislative Assembly in Queen’s Park.  While there, they toured the building, participated in a mini-debate, and watched a live Question Period where Kathleen Wynne was present representing the current government.  They were able to see many people, roles, and procedures that they have been learning about


The Grade 5 classes provided a thoughtful and educational Remembrance Day Assembly on Wednesday for all Crestwood students and staff. The presentation in the gymnasium was complete with slideshows, poetry, prose and a special presentation by our Junior Choir. After the assembly closed our Junior students gathered in the playground to listen to The Last Post. Shortly

Print My Art

The Crestwood School Parents Association’s first fundraising program, Print My Art, is well underway and your children have been putting their artistic skills to work! Each student is creating one art piece at school.   Once completed (mid November), it will be sent home with an order form so that you can see the various options

Hektor’s Headlines

DRESS FOR SUCCESS! With autumn weather upon us, we ask that you help us to ensure that your children are dressed so that they stay warm and dry when they are outside. All students should come to school with the appropriate cold and/or wet weather  clothing.  This should include hats, mitts or gloves, raincoats, and