Girls Volleyball Wrap

The U12 girl’s volleyball team played some fantastic volleyball at Bayview Glen on Saturday, but unfortunately suffered a few close losses during the tournament.  With unstoppable serving and consistent bumps, Jessie, Kitty, Abby, and Molly played some of their best volleyball of the season.  Taylor, Jordan, and Zoe were forces to be reckoned with at the

Parents’ Workshop Invitation

CISAA Parents’ Workshop Invitation 2017 The Conference of Independent Schools’ Athletic Association will be proudly presenting a very informative workshop for parents of our male and female student/athletes. The workshop will be hosted on Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 from 7:00-8:15pm in George Weston Hall (Upper Canada College Preparatory School – see map link below). Best of all, there

Only You Can Beat You

The truth is that you are really talented, smart, hard working, and strong. You just aren’t consistent. That’s because you beat yourself up mentally at times.  Or maybe, occasionally you just mentally check out. Either way, when you lose in sports, it is not because your opponent beat you. It was really because you beat yourself

Poetry in Pink

Poetry in Pink Coming together once again like a beautiful poem and in complete solidarity the Crestwood student body and staff showed their strong support in the campaign against bullying on Wednesday. Widely celebrated as Pink Shirt Day throughout Canada, Crestwood participated by wearing as much pink as possible and taking part in several activities focusing

Skip It for Syrians

The Grade 6 students presented skits to each of the classes this week outlining our “Skip It for Syrians” fundraising campaign. Students at Crestwood School are encouraged to “skip” a treat and donate the money to Syrian refugees, which they can use to buy essential items to start their new lives in Canada. The Grade


On Tuesday, March 7th the grade 2 classes will be presenting their musical “Lemonade!” at 2:30pm in the school gym. A reminder to all parents that costumes and DVD order forms are due at the school by Tuesday, February 28th. We are looking forward to presenting a great show! All are welcome to attend. -Ms.

Can you trust an Atom?

The Grade 6’s had an exciting Scientists in School session on Thursday with scientist Peter bringing in all sorts of fun experiments dealing with electricity.  The students explored electromagnetism, static electricity, series and parallel circuits, conductors and insulators, and even built a human battery.  It was a great review for the upcoming electricity test, and we all

Gr.2 Visit JCCC

The Grade Two classes visited the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre on Monday, February 13th. We had a fabulous day learning Japanese dances, playing games, hearing traditional Japanese stories and dressing up in traditional Japanese dress. We even got to put on a fashion show and play with some ancient toys. It was a fun filled

Crestwood Cares

Recently, the students on the Community Service team asked if they could make and send Valentine’s cards to people in need of some extra love in our community.  We have teamed up with a local retirement home, and are making 60 cards for residents who may not receive cards or visitors very often.  The students

Crestwood School Wants To Hear From You!

Were you a student at Crestwood School between the years 1980-2006? We are interested in what everyone is up to these days and would be appreciative if you could share the following info with us. Please email: Information Requested: Name (if married give maiden name): Email address: Occupation/Profession: Married: Children: Favourite Crestwood School Memory: We

Used Uniform Spring Sale

Dear Crestwood Parents, The CSPA will be holding their spring Used Uniform Sale April 25th-27th, 2017 in the Music Room, located in the Primary building. We are looking once more for “gently used” uniforms. We will be collecting used uniforms starting Monday Feb 13, 2017. Please only send uniforms that are in good condition.  No stains, discolouration or

Kid’s Lit Quiz

On Monday, February 6, the Kids’ Lit Quiz team travelled to Ryerson University to compete against 88 other teams.  After training for four months, by reading a wide variety of books and practicing literary trivia questions, the team had a challenging and exciting day.  Categories of questions ranged from “Doors”–Who spoke the words ‘Open Sesame’?

Mind of the Athlete

Guiding parents through “the talk” about concussions in youth sport ALLENTOWN, Pa. – The family decision on how to move forward after a child suffers a sports related concussion can be difficult to make. Sports psychologist Jarrod Spencer says he had no choice: after three concussions he could no longer play football at Lafayette College.

Same Kind of “Crazy” as Me!

Success in athletics requires a bit of craziness. 6 AM runs. Strict dieting. Rehabbing injuries. Sleep deprivation. Pain. Face it, you are partially crazy. Like birds of a feather flocking together, so too, do athletes. You gravitate to other athletes because they get it. They get you. They are the same kind of crazy as you. This is

Girls Vball Spikes TFS

The U12 Girl’s Volleyball team had an amazing win Thursday night against Toronto French School, playing what was undoubtedly their best game of the season.  The ladies won all three sets against TFS through fantastic team-work, determination, and much-improved volleyball skills. Kitty, Zoe, Chiara, and Tira demonstrated unstoppable serving with countless aces between the four of them.