YPT Trip for Kinders

The Jk/Sk classes had a wonderful time at the Young People’s Theatre on Wednesday May 3rd where they saw the amazing stories of Robert Munsch come alive in the play Munschtime!  Murmel, Murmel, Murmel, A Promise is a Promise, Pigs, and the Parents’ Choice Award for Love You Forever!  Robert Munsch is our new favourite

Gr.3 Track & Field

The Grade 3’s participated in their first friendly track and field meet against Bayview Glen.  Our athletes showed great sportsmanship as they competed in races, hurdles, high jumps, running long jumps, standing long jumps, discus throw and javelin.  We are looking forward to our upcoming meet at Crestwood College on May 11th. -Mrs. P. Georgiou

No More Spinners

The Crestwood Staff is asking that parents do not allow their children to bring Spinner Fidget Toys to school.  Instead of helping students to concentrate, these toys are becoming a significant distraction in class.  Please ask your children to leave them at home. Thank you for your assistance. -Ms. Hektor (Jr. Principal)

Art Labyrinth Alive

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” (Walt Disney)…and we proved it!! Our idea of transforming the art room into a new reality was a success!! Congratulations to all of the participating artists for taking on such an ambitious project. It was so wonderful to go on this creative journey with you, my

The Living City at Brickworks

The Grade 3’s visited the natural community at Evergreen Brickworks last week.​ We learned that all living things, including plants,​ need food, water, shelter, and space and how the interaction of elements in a strong human community represents a healthy ecosystem. The Living City introduced students to Toronto’s surprising abundance of living things—fox, deer, coyote, rabbit,

TSO’s “The Hockey Sweater”

On Monday all of Crestwood’s primary students travelled to Roy Thomson Hall to hear the Toronto Symphony Orchestra present a show entitled “The Hockey Sweater” which was a musical celebration of Canada.  The orchestra performed many selections of music honouring different provinces and territories.  We were able to see and hear all of the different

Science Students Off to Olympics

Please join the staff and students at Crestwood in wishing the following students the best of luck in their participation in the annual Science Olympics hosted by Crescent School on April 29th. The students will be accompanied by Grade 6 Science teacher, Ms. Sara Suckstorff. Grade 4 Daniel Markusson Noah Kassam Brody Goldman Grade 5

“Orphans” Black, Check it Out!

Check out Crestwood’s own Cody Black in this unsettling drama from English playwright Dennis Kelly (co-writer Matilda the Musical), ORPHANS, which premiered at the Traverse Theatre Edinburgh in 2009, is a gritty urban tale that questions morality, loyalty, and family while trying to keep quiet the violence and evil that lurks inside everyone. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/the-hottest-tickets-in-town-five-things-to-do-in-toronto/article34691045/    

Used Uniform Volunteers

Crestwood Parents, Volunteer are still required for our Used Uniform Sale held April 25th-April 27, 2017. Your participation would be much appreciated. If you are interested, please click on the following web link to sign up. https://www.volunteersignup.org/TMRT8 Thank you, CSPA

The “Big” Library

The JK and SK’s had a fun visit to the “BIG” (Don Mills Public) library. We learned about all the different kinds of books they have! Books about people, places and animals. Books in different languages; we even saw a book in Braille! We all had a good time picking books off the shelves to

It Was an Axing Good Time. 

On Wednesday night the CSPA hosted a meet and mingle event for parents and staff. The turn out was phenomenal and we all had a great time. We would like to thank all of those who were able to join us. Thank you for cheering on your fellow axe throwers. Thank you for your laughter

Author Ellis Inspires 5&6

On Thursday, March 30, the Grade 5 and 6 classes were visited by internationally acclaimed Canadian author Deborah Ellis.  Deborah wrote the international bestseller The Breadwinner, which was inspired by the true story of a young girl who cut off her hair and pretended to be a boy so she could earn money to support her family in

1st Class Engineers

Today Class 1A and 1B magically turned into engineers when they participated in a Structures workshop. Once they learned what a “structure” is, they participated in 5 different centers. From building, to fastening, supporting, classifying different materials, and learning about foundations and frameworks, they did it all!! Thank you so much to all the moms,

Choir Catch Up

Choir is underway for the final term! The Junior Choir will start up again on Tuesday and the Primary Choir will begin on Wednesday, April 5th.  The Primary Choir will be practising every Wednesday at 12:50pm leading up to the Spring Concert on June 1st.  Any students in grades 1, 2 and 3 are welcome to come and sing.  See you there! -Ms.

On Behalf of all Crestwood Coaches

On behalf of all Crestwood coaches, I would like to thank you for entrusting your child with us this past term. Encouraging our athletes with positive reinforcement and skills they require to improve their athletic performance throughout the season is a privilege we don’t take lightly. Our teams experienced success and hopefully your child created

When life gives you lemons…

Congratulations to the grade 2 classes on a job well done performing their musical “Lemonade!”, a story about fairy tale characters making the best of life’s ups and downs. Thank you to Ms. Romanenko and the Art Committee for making the colourful sets and to all of the parents for their help with costumes. It

Find us on Facebook

The goal of our new Lower School Facebook page is to create an additional means of communication between home and school, as well as to showcase our school. We will be sharing exciting events, activities, and initiatives. Photos and videos will highlight the achievements of students and faculty. You can find a link to our page at

Thank you for your support!

Dear Crestwood Families, “A trip to Mastermind.”  “Buying a toy.”  “Hot chocolate after skiing.” “Going to see a movie.”  “A trip to McDonald’s.”  “Ordering from Pizza Pizza.” These are only a few of the treats and privileges that Crestwood students chose to skip in support of Lifeline Syria. This fundraiser grew out of the Grade

Little Scientists

The JK boys and girls had a great afternoon being “Scientists” They found fossils like a Paleontologist. Made experiments like a Chemist. Explored the ocean like a Marine Biologist. And looked at the stars as an Astronomer. Maybe there is a little scientist in all of us! -Ms. Young & Ms. Sandler