Wonderland Performance

The junior choir recently finished their year with a performance at Canada’s Wonderland Festival of Music.  They performed three songs for an adjudicator who gave them great feedback and afterwards were able to spend the afternoon enjoying the rides.  Ms. Spigott would like to acknowledge and thank all of the members of Crestwood’s primary and

Gr.2 Waterworks @kortright

The Grade 2’s visited the Kortright Centre on Thursday, June 8th. We learned all about following the path of water through the water cycle using hands-on activities. We were also able to investigate the visible effects of air and water, and learn how they affect all living things. We had a great time! -Mrs. Robinson

Family Fun Day Info

Dear Parents, Our Family Fun Day takes place on Tuesday and we are looking forward to seeing everyone for a fun filled afternoon. Please submit all order forms for wristbands and raffle tickets to the office as soon as possible. Silent auction items and sponsorships are still being accepted. Please click here to download our

JK’s “Lifecycle”

The JK boys and girls have had an amazing experience watching the Life Cycle of the butterfly. They arrived as tiny caterpillars. Then they grew and grew! Wrapped themselves into a cocoon (pupa or chrysalis) They waited patiently until they emerged from the cocoons as beautiful butterflies! All this is called “metamorphosis”

Community Service Visit Veterans

This week, Crestwood’s Community Service Team went to Sunnybrook’s Veterans Centre.  In the weeks leading up to this trip, the team had decorated small flower pots and planted pansies to bring as gifts.  Students met with veterans from World War 2 and the Korean War who shared their stories, experiences, and even some memorabilia.  The

So you think you can Dance?

Dancing – it’s fun to do, it’s entertaining to watch and it’s a great way to exercise. And it’s at its best when done in a group. Crestwood School welcomed dance teacher Niky Johnson this past week.  Johnson travels throughout the CIS community delivering dance instruction to large and small groups alike. She believes dance is a celebration

Pioneer Village Visit

Today the grade 3 classes visited Black Creek Pioneer Village to further investigate Communities in Canada from 1780-1850. Students participated in a highly interactive workshop called “Hands on History” where they explored how to card wool, operate a loom and produce on the printing press. Immediately following the workshop students had time to visit the many

“My Home is My Castle”

This week the JK, SK and Grade 1 students had an author visit with a very special author…. a Crestwood parent!  Leslie Prowse Zemla shared her book “My Home is My Castle” with the students and explained the story behind her story, as well as the process of publishing a book. For more information or

Donations and Sponsorships Still Available!!!

Dear Crestwood Parents, As Crestwood’s 25th annual Family Fun Day is fast approaching on Tuesday June 13th, we wanted to say thank you to all the families who have generously sponsored and donated to our event. We truly appreciate it!!!  This is just a reminder that there is still time to sponsor and donate items. Every

Conservation @Kortright

The grade 6’s braved the rain yesterday for a great afternoon trip to the Kortright Centre for Conservation.  Students learned about some of Ontario’s invasive species (like the Emerald Ash Borer), how scientists classify organisms (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species), Ontario’s turtle and snake population (and were able to pet a snake!), and

Track & Field Finals

It was a perfect day at York University on Tuesday, May 23rd, when we successfully competed in the CISAA U14 Championship track finals. With 825 athletes from 30 schools competing on day 1 of the finals, our Crestwood team excelled both on the track and in the field. Your teamwork, focus and support for one another all season long was inspiring, pushing you

Spring Concert Preparation

Dear parents, Please take a moment to read over these simple instructions in preparation for next week’s Spring Concert. Reminders for students: Please remember to bring instruments and music books on Monday (if you have class), TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY for all grade 4,5 and 6’s. We are walking to Lawrence Park Community Church for our dress rehearsals on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Please dress for the

Project Give Back

Project Give Back is a passion-based program designed for elementary students to develop empathy, build character, and ignite community minded citizens. It was started in 2008, when Ellen realized that the program she was running in her grade 4 classroom was having such an incredible impact on the children who participated. She needed to spread

Sweater and Hat Help!

Dear Parents, At Crestwood School we encourage our students to recognize the importance of helping others and giving back. We are very proud of our tradition of community service and we are particularly pleased when individuals take the initiative to propose their own charitable fundraiser to help those in need.   Last year, Tyler Solomon initiated

Gr.3 Track & Field Finale

On Wednesday the Grade 3 Track and Field Team participated in an event hosted at TFS. Our athletes rotated through seven different stations where they demonstrated their skills and abilities.  Many parents came out to support their children as they raced over hurdles and competed in various field events such as javelin throw, high jumps, and

Playground Pick Up!

This week, the Community Service Team celebrated the arrival of the beautiful weather with a school yard garbage pick up!  Armed with gloves and bags, the kids worked together to clean up the playgrounds, making our school (and the environment) an even more beautiful place. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help! -Ms. Calway

Dowding delivers for Gr.3&4

Last week, award winning Canadian author Philippa Dowding visited Crestwood’s Grade 3 and 4 students.  Ms. Dowding answered her most asked questions such as: When did you start writing? (at age 9), What’s your favourite book?  (Charlotte’s Web), Where do you get your ideas? (everywhere and anywhere–she got the idea of living gargoyles while shopping

Crawford Lake Learning

This week the Grade 5’s spent an amazing day outside at Crawford Lake.  We learned all about the Iroquoian village that existed there over 600 years ago, and experienced the local First Nations history.  We touched a grinding stone, played lacrosse, and even made fire using birch bark and dried milkweed. From listening to Turtle Island creation

Medieval Magic

The Grade 4’s visited Medieval Times on Tuesday. We first explored the front entrance and then entered the stadium where we were served a frosty beverage. Then the action got started. We saw horses doing tricks, knights battling for supremacy, kingdoms attacking one another, as well as the official games.  It was a fantastic day

Badminton’s Best

Congratulations to Raymond L. + Noah H. who qualified for the SSAF Final. Badminton Championships, that took place yesterday. Coach Krashinsky accompanied the boys to the championships held at The Markham Pan Am Centre. The Centre plays host to International, National, Provincial, and Regional events in a variety of sports, and welcomes athletes like Noah and Raymond: competitive athletes striving to be their best. The boys started

Spring Concert Info

SPRING CONCERT Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Toronto Centre for the Arts 5040 Yonge St./North York Blvd. Dear Parents, Crestwood School’s Grades 4-6 Music Program, along with the Primary and Junior Choirs, would like to invite you to attend the Spring Concert which will be held on Thursday, June 1st , 2017 at

Harbourfront Fun

On Thursday, the Grade Ones had their annual trip to the Harbourfront Centre. In the morning, the children learned about the first books ever used before making their own. Everyone was given very delicate Japanese paper to fold into accordion books. Following that they designed a special cover before assembling their books. We are sure

A note from the CSPA

On behalf of the Crestwood parent body, the CSPA will be hosting a Teacher Appreciation Lunch on Tuesday June 6th. It will be our turn to work for them and give thanks to our wonderful teaching staff and admin staff. We are catering a lovely buffet in our Atrium building in the music room from

Stellar Science Olympians

  Last Saturday morning, nine students from Crestwood competed in the Crescent Science Olympics.  They were involved with intense competitions involving bridges, forensics, airplanes, the human body, microscopes, electricity, separating mixtures, and lasers. We’d like to extend big congratulations to Brody, Noah, and Daniel in grade 4, Riya, Farnood, and Liam in grade 5, and Molly, Raymond, and

Uniform Event Huge Success!

On behalf of the Crestwood School Parents’ Association, we would like to thank you for volunteering and participating in the Used Uniform Sale. Our event was a huge success!!  We raised $3500.00 last week and $4000.00 during our fall sale, amassing a grand total of $7500.00 for 2016-17 year. Volunteers play an integral role in