About Aaron Kligerman

Salut! My name is Aaron Kligerman, I am the French teacher for grades 4 and 5!  I am passionate about teaching, and especially about languages!  Besides French, I also speak (and teach) Spanish, and know several words and expressions in a few other languages.  I love to travel, cook, eat, play sports, and try new things! 

Book Fair Fun Coming Soon!

Mark your calendars!  The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Crestwood the week of October 30!  Book Fair is a “win-win” opportunity for the children to buy new books and for the library to raise funds that will fund incredible author visits as well as new books for the shelves.  Please check your child’s backpack for

Meeting Ms. Mink

Hi, I’m Ms. Mink! I joined this great Crestwood team in May of last year, but this year I am teaching music to JK through grade 3, as well as JK and SK French. After receiving my music education degree in the United States, I went on to teach in a one-square-mile town in Vermont

Parents’ Association News

CSPA meeting Tuesday, October 10th at 9AM in the Library. All parents welcome. Ellen Schwartz from Project Giveback has kindly accepted an invitation to join us so that she can inform our parents about the work she does with our grade 4 students.  We will also be able to view a recent video that Ellen made of last year’s grade

Getting to know Selena Coupland

Bonjour! I am the new Primary French Teacher this year at Crestwood. I am originally from Timmins, a small town in northern Ontario where I grew up in French Immersion education all the way to university. I am proud to be part “franco-ontarienne”, with my mother being born in Quebec. I hold an Honours Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s

Used Uniform Sale

Thank you to all parents who have donated gently used uniforms so far. We still have time to collect more before the Used Uniform Sale coming up on October 17-19th. Please drop off any donations at the school this week. The donation boxes are located in the foyer by the school office, underneath the canopy drop-off area at the

Crestwood Conquers Cross Country

On Thursday afternoon, 11 Crestwood athletes tied up their running shoes and boarded a bus to Centennial Park to participate in their first meet of the season.  With butterflies in their tummies, nervous about the new terrain, all the athletes lined up ready to run their little hearts out!  First out was our group of

Art Committee Commences

The Art Committee has started up and we are already working hard to decorate the Art Room entrance. A warm welcome to our all of our new members! We are very excited for the amazing projects that we will be creating throughout the year. Thank you for your initiative, dedication and hard work. -A. Romanenko

Oobleck Matters in Gr.5

This past week our Grade 5 scientists investigated to see whether their cornstarch/water mixture acted like a solid or a liquid? Based on our understanding of the characteristics of matter the answer may surprise you. Here’s what you need: Cornstarch Pitcher of Water Aluminum pie pans Measuring cups Mixing spoon Newspaper for covering tables Food

Crestwood Cares’ Triple Threat!

It is always important for us to focus on learning the importance of giving back and helping others whether it is through acts of thoughtfulness, charitable giving, personal sacrifice or a combination of endeavours that help make our world a better place! This year we are starting our community service off with a strong September,

Parking Lot Protocol

Due to the congestion in the parking lot before and after school, please be reminded that parents may not park in teachers’ parking spots in order to drop off or pick up their children. The safety of your children is of paramount importance! Thanking you in advance for your  co-operation. -Dalia Eisen

Toonie Tuesday!

Toonie Tuesday is on Tuesday, October 22nd. Please be reminded that students are required to contribute a toonie in order to wear casual clothes (non-uniform) on these special days. Homeroom teachers will collect the toonies and all monies will be used to fund our “Crestwood Cares” community service initiatives. Thank you for your continued support. -Crestwood

BBQ, Food Drive and Terry Fox!

Thank you for your help with the welcome back barbecue. It was a great success. It is a long list and we are sure to be missing some people but special thanks to Ashley Downie, Chris Alphonse, Tess, Patti Hektor, Mr. Cooper and the House Heads, Julie Dergal, Connie Franklin, Monique St. Onge, Dovrat Puterman, Teresa DeGasperis, Jennifer

Getting to know Kelsey Patton

I joined the Crestwood community last spring and I am currently teaching 3B. I seek to foster curiosity, discovery, and confidence by utilizing teaching strategies that are participatory, engaging, and fun. ​I graduated from the Master of Teaching Program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education with a major research paper on Inclusive Education Strategies.

CSPA Meeting Minutes – Sept 12, 2017

CSPA Meeting Minutes   Sept 12, 2017 CSPA Executive Team…President – Melanie Morel…Co-Vice President – Pam Sulpizi Co-Vice President – Renita Greener..Treasure – Maryann Francis.. Secretary – Linda Fata-Glover   Opening A big welcome and thank you from Melanie Morel. Introductions of the CSPA team made. CSPA focus is to enhance our students learning environment through

Getting to know Amanda Perri

Current Title: Grade 5B homeroom teacher Academic Background: BA (hons) Psychology, Ryerson ’12; MA Child Study and Education, University of Toronto ’14, RECE, OCT, BCBA Biography: After graduating, in addition to completing Special Education Additional Qualifications, I pursued a post-graduate program in Applied Behavioural Analysis, working towards certification as a Board Certified Behavioural Analyst (BCBA). This involved 3

“Skip It” Follow Up

Dear Ms. Hektor and the Students of Crestwood School Thank you very much for your kind donation to the Syrian Refugee’s here in Guelph.  Through the funds raised by your “Skip It” initiative, you are helping us be able to assist new families to Canada, settle into a safe and stable life in our community.

Newsworthy Notes

1. Thank you to all the Crestwood parents who attended our first CSPA meeting on Tuesday. It was a terrific turnout and we are excited to work with all of you this year! We deeply appreciate your support and time. Looking forward to a fantastic year!! 2. We see everyone at our Welcome Back Barbecue on

Used Uniform Donations

Dear Crestwood Parents, The CSPA is looking for “gently used” uniform clothing donations for the sale coming up October 17-19th. If you have anything to donate that is in good condition (no holes or stains etc..), please drop the items off in one of the donation bins. The bins are located in the foyer area by

Fall Sports Start Up

As the Athletic Director of Crestwood School, I want to welcome you to our Fall CISAA varsity sports program, which begins next week. I hope your child is as excited as we are to kick off the fall season. Please take the time to read the included sports calendar below highlighting upcoming events each week.


We are excited to say that we currently have close to 300 active parents on our Edsby system. Thank you for your participation and please keep an eye out for any invitations to groups or teams that your children may be participating in for the Fall term. For those of you not yet familiar with

Carpool Chaos – Please Read

Dear Crestwood Parents, Due to the unique circumstances that the construction has put us in.  We feel it best to re-advise you on drop-off and pick-up procedures.  These will be in place until you are notified otherwise or upon construction completion.  Please be advised that faculty will be on site to also direct you.  

5 Follow-Ups

1. Welcome to all of our new families at Crestwood. It was terrific meeting you at our Welcome Back Breakfast. We look forward to a fantastic 2017/18 school year. 2. The CSPA will hold their first meeting Tuesday, Sept. 12th @ 9AM in the library. Everyone is invited. Please come and support. 3. Pizza Lunch starts Friday Sept.