P/T Meetings Next Week

Parent/Teacher conferences will take place next week on Thursday, November 23rd. Please consider other parents and do your very best to arrive and end your interviews on time. If you need more time with a particular teacher, arrange a separate meeting time. The smooth running of our event relies on all parents and teachers keeping to the timetable.

Book Fair Fantastic

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers at the Scholastic Book Fair!  We sold over $11,000 worth of books this week, which translates into more reading children, as well as funds raised for the library to host author visits and buy more books. A special thank you to Hayley Wine and Jen Hastings for

Art Room Ramblings

A big thank you and congratulations to all the pumpkin decorating teams! Well done! The pumpkin parade was great!!!! Special thank you to Christopher Mitonides, Colin Wilkes and Kevin Xu for helping with moving and displaying all the pumpkins for the parade. – A. Romanenko

Grade 6 Soccer Season Ending Soirees

On a wet and cold Saturday morning in Aurora, our Grade 6 soccer team took on the elements and their opposition with enthusiasm. A narrow defeat in the first game 1-0 and a resounding victory 5-2 in the second game resulted in the team qualifying for the consolation final. The boys ran out of energy in the second half and were

U12 Girls Bball Championships

The U12 girls basketball team travelled to St. Mildred’s Lightburn in Oakville for the championship tournament this past Saturday. We played two hard fought games against the home team and St. Clements. While the scoreboard didn’t show victory in either game, we felt like winners having played our best basketball of the season! Coach Offman and

Winter Sports

We can’t wait for the winter season to begin. With primary skating, our annual U12 Hockey and Basketball Tournament in Montreal, and our school ski day for all students in grades 4-6, Crestwood coaches and teachers are ready to go! Take a quick peek at our upcoming Winter Sports Team tryout schedule. U12 Co-ed Hockey

Cross Country Championship

The CISAA Junior Cross Country Championship took place at Centennial Park on Wednesday, October 25th.  Nine Crestwood athletes were invited to participate in this meet.  Tate, Jayin, Cooper and Daniel ran a 2000m race with 92 Grade 4 boys.  Next up Tyler, Linden, Christopher, and William were challenged with a 2.5 km run.  Both Christopher

Having a Ball with Pumpkins

With Halloween just around the corner, the Art Room is very busy and inspired! Thanks to the parents association for the beautiful pumpkins!!! Students from grades 4-6 will be taking part in creating our very own pumpkin ball. Inspired by the Montreal Botanical garden exhibit, we will be working in groups using a variety of


What a Fun day at Willowgrove Farm. The boys and girls made a Scarecrow with a pumpkin head. They went on a tractor ride. They picked a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch and saw some cows and sheep! Did you know that pumpkins float? Even the biggest ones!  

Soccer Cougars Mangle Montcrest

Crestwood’s grade 6 soccer team won 4-0 against Montcrest School yesterday afternoon. Key performances from Goalkeepers, Patrick and Thomas and our new defensive partnership of Adam and Andrew helped to keep the clean sheet. Goals from Max B, a brace from Coen and a highlight goal from the head of William gave us the win.

X-Country Checkup

Yesterday the cross-country team walked to Crescent School for a friendly meet against Crescent and UCC. The trails were beautifully lined with gorgeous fall colours for our run. Our athletes finished with amazing results. Congratulations to all of our cross-country members for completing a challenging course! The championship run will take place next week. Stay

Getting to know Courtney Kanfi

I am the current 4D teacher at Crestwood School and am excited to be a part of this community. I completed my undergrad at York University, where I studied psychology. After graduating from York University, I moved to South Korea to teach English. It was there that I developed my love of teaching and travel.

CDS Scrapes by Girls Bball Team

On Thursday, October 12th, the U12 Girls Basketball team travelled to Country Day School for the 3rd game of the season. We got off to a slow start, only scoring 4 points in the first half. After picking up the intensity in the second half, we made a big comeback, almost catching up to Country

Presenting Lindsay Pembridge

My name is Lindsay Pembridge and I am one of the new grade 5 teachers here at Crestwood School this year. Since completing my Bachelor of Education, I have worked in a variety of inner-city, international and independent school settings in Korea, England, Turkey and Canada. As an educator I am driven to provide 21st

News from the Art Room 

The first mandala mindfulness exhibit is up! Thank you to those who participated and shared their beautiful artwork. Please visit the art room hallway and the main building hallway to view the exhibit! Enjoy! The art committee has completed their first project of the year! The art room entrance is bright, beautiful and very creative

Gr.2 Explore Animals @ Toronto Zoo

The Grade Twos embarked on their new Science unit this month called, “Growth and Changes in Animals.” Last Tuesday, we visited the perfect place to further our studies, the Toronto Zoo. After a presentation and review on the classification of animals, we set out to explore the distinct characteristics of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish,

Gr.5’s assemble at Queen’s Park

On Tuesday, October 10, the Grade 5 students visited the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Students learned about the 3 levels of government, the different political parties in Canada, and the process of turning a bill into a law. Students especially enjoyed hearing about the different people who participate in legislative sessions, and even got to role

Crestwood X-Country

On a gorgeous fall day last Thursday, the Crestwood Cross Country team competed in races at Sunnybrook Park.  First up were the Under 9 ​athletes.  Angus zoomed into first place right behind the “bunny” that was leading the pack.  Way to go Angus!!  Next, the Grade 4’s laced up eagerly awaiting their run.  As the

Hike to Kortright

On Monday, the Grade 4s headed to the Kortright Centre to learn more about habitats and communities. The students hiked through a rich variety of habitats including forests, wetlands and meadows. They explored the Centre’s natural environment and identified different producers, consumers and decomposers along the way. In the afternoon, the Grade 4s participated in

Mindful Movement

This week 3A and 3B took part in the first of an 8 week sensory yoga programme, lead by Specialist Lee Davis. Lee is an Occupational and Yoga therapist, dedicated to the benefits of learning through movement. Her interactive classes help children develop listening skills, self-esteem, social skills, and the list goes on. This week our

Got Milk?

Daisy, the Holstein Cow, visited the Grade 3 classes today to talk about the connection between urban and rural communities.  Here are some quick “A-MOO-zing” facts that we learned: DID YOU KNOW… Most Canadian dairy farms are family owned. Dairy cows give an average of 27 litres of milk per day and they are milked twice a