Library News

  On Tuesday, the children from JK to Grade 2 enjoyed a virtual author visit with Toronto author, Andrew Larsen.  Andrew taught us that we all have stories to tell and one day even write.  Please ask your children about his visit!  Also, if you’d like to pick up any of his beautiful picture books for summer reading, please support our

Crestwood Donation to CUIAS

  The Community Service Team has been blown away by the generosity of our school community on our most recent charitable initiatives to support Ukrainian refugees as well as the Kids Create Ukraine charity. We were so proud to see all of our students dressed in blue and yellow while bringing in cash donations, as

@kidscreateukraine Update

  Dear Crestwood students, staff, and parents, We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your incredible support of KidsCreateUkraine!!! What you are bringing to the children living in war is joy, play, creativity, love!! We are so grateful for your care and are so excited to ship your collected items to those in need.

The CPC Experience

  On Thursday, the Grade 6’s took a visit to Crestwood Preparatory College. We spent the day participating in fun and different activities to get a better understanding of what high school will be like next year. When we arrived at the school, we were greeted by staff members and separated into groups to circle

Movie Themed Spirit Day

  On Thursday May 19th we will be having a movie themed spirit day! All students are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite movie characters! During the lunch recess periods students will be invited to participate in some movie themed activities hosted by the House Heads! We can’t wait to see everyone’s

Library News – Author Visit

  Attention JK to Grade 2 families!  Crestwood School is hosting a virtual author visit with Canadian author Andrew Larsen on Tuesday, May 17.  Parents are welcome to virtually join!  The Grade 1/2 presentation will be at 9:45am and the JK/SK presentation will begin at 10:45. We have been reading his books in library class

3A Puppet Masters

  Look at these great sock puppets created by the students in 3A.  We used our puppets to write dialogues and then presented our dialogue during our Drama class. We really enjoy expressing ourselves through the dramatic arts.  It helps to build confidence, lifts our spirits, and helps us to develop our voice. Paula Georgiou  

Artists of the Month

  Congratulations to Taylor Puterman, Alice Yan and Shira Sandler for being our artists of the month. I’m pleased to present three completely different styles of art from abstract line work to animation to realism! These three hard workers deserve a round of applause for all their beautiful creations! Anya Romanenko  

Bon Appétit

  The students in Madame Gurney’s grades 1 and 2 classes are commencing their final units of the year on food. This past Monday, in order to learn all about French cuisine, 27 students put down their pencils and put on their chef aprons as they joined Madame for the first class of the French cooking


  Dear Parents, As the month of April comes to a close, we can’t help but wonder, is spring really here?? Usually, we say April showers bring May flowers; in our case it was April freeze, which we hope will still bring us May flowers! Despite the cold outside, Crestwood school has been buzzing with

Shine a Light

  The Grade 4 classes had a wonderful time participating in the ‘Shine a Light’ Scientists in School workshop this week! We learnt all about the properties of light, through hands-on, independent investigations. These included learning about refraction by shining a light through a moving cup of water and using a mirror to reflect light

We Stand With Ukraine

  Dear Parents, We are initiating 2 separate donation drives to support Ukraine. Anya Romanenko and her family have started an initiative called “Kids Create Ukraine – a family and friends initiative bringing creativity and joy to the children of Ukraine”. The idea behind this initiative: “We chose art to offer a glimpse of play

Earth Week 2022

  Next week during Earth Week, along with other activities, on Wednesday students will have the opportunity to make a guess of how many candies are in our guessing jar. Each student will get 1 free guess. Additional guesses can be purchased for a $1 per guess donation up to a maximum of $5. The winner

Mask Mandate Ends

  Dear Parents, As mentioned in my previous email, we are ending our mask mandate as of Tuesday, April 19th. As a parent, it’s your call. However, I would strongly suggest that your child continues to wear a mask when indoors. We have reminded the students that everyone is entitled to whatever choice they make,

CSPA Meeting on Tuesday

  Our next Crestwood School Parents’ Association Meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 5th at 9:30AM. The meeting will take place via Zoom. Our agenda and meeting link to follow soon. We encourage all to attend. CSPA

Mask Mandate Extended

  Dear Parents, After much consideration, given the fact that some staff and students that have tested positive for COVID-19 this week, we have decided to extend the mask mandate until Tuesday, April 19th (the day after Easter Monday). We will re-evaluate the situation then. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Yours truly, Dalia Eisen

Gr.3 Learn About CNIB

This term, Grade 3 students have been learning about the life of Helen Keller. Earlier this week, they had the opportunity to have a Zoom workshop with Rhonda Underhill-Gray from the Canada National Institute for the Blind. Students explored the braille alphabet and learned how the two handed manual alphabet works. (This is the alphabet

Return to Inter-School Sport Plan 2021-2022

CISAA schools, their student athletes, parents, and coaches are eagerly anticipating the return to school sport in the spring term. We will continue to support the wellbeing of students, adults, and school communities through physical activity. The resumption of inter-school sport will adhere to guidelines provided by national and provincial sport associations, the Ontario Ministries

Support for Ukraine

Earlier this week, students in Grades 2-6 watched a short virtual assembly outlining the conflict that is happening in Ukraine right now. We know many of our students are worried and eager to help. Students have been creating peace posters in support of the Ukrainian people and we have received lots of questions about how


  Dear Parents, February was a short, but busy, month at Crestwood! We started the month celebrating the Lunar New Year. Students came dressed in red to bring good luck for the Year of the Tiger. We also kicked off our MS Read-a-thon fundraiser with a virtual assembly. Students were asked to read as much