Crestwood Supports Daily Bread Food Bank

  Hello Crestwood,  We hope that you and your families are all doing well and finding ways to stay happy and active while at home. We are all facing new and difficult challenges right now, but we recognise that there are people around the city and the country who are having an even more difficult

Cardboard Carnival

  For their weekly STEM challenge, 4 A, B, and C were invited to design and build games for a Cardboard Carnival. The students got creative and built some wonderful and challenging games. Their families then had the added treat of playing these games. –Katie Maalouf

Back in Time

  Today, the Grade 3’s stepped back in time and role-played what it would be like to be an Early Settler in Upper Canada in the 1800’s. The students were encouraged to dress up and to participate in some nineteenth century learning.  Our first activity had us drawing log cabins.  In our second activity, we

Art Room Rumblings

All students are really taking time to create and put in amazing effort in their art work! Grade three students have been inspired this week by a Montreal artist @thefineblackpen who shared her work with us as a part of her isolation art initiative. All of the completed “House” pieces will be sent back to the

14 Hour Fort

The Martin’s Family took you up on your challenge and built what we thought was an amazing and comfortable fort.  So comfortable, we decided to challenge ourselves to spend 14 hours inside it.  We planned for this with snacks, games and books.  I’m happy to report we all survived as did the fort.  Thanks for

Grade 2 Local Food Scavenger Hunt

  This week 2A and 2B learned all about the importance of eating locally. The children learned about how local food is fresher, has more nutrients and is better for the environment. The students were tasked with going on a ‘Local Food Scavenger Hunt’ in their own homes. The Grade 2’s found a variety of local

Every Day is Earth Day!

  As Earth Week was winding down last Friday afternoon, the Grade Ones were very busy putting their finishing touches on their messages to help protect our world. As well, they designed their very own t-shirts. As you can see, they were very proud of all they had learned over the week and their creative

Cooking Class with Chef Amar

4B is excited to participate in another Chef Amar cooking class this Friday at 2:45pm. Last week, we made delicious “no bake” chocolate chip oat balls. This Friday, students will be making a healthy, but tasty avocado chocolate pudding with only 5 easy ingredients. Don’t miss out on this fun class! Anyone is welcome to join.

DIY Instruments! 

  Using found objects around the home, primary music students have been invited to make their own instruments. We began with Lummi Sticks, and this week we tackle the drum! Using cans, balloons, elastics, yogurt or coffee containers, and beans, families have put their creative minds together to create some thumpin’ sounds! -Amanda Birchard

Earth Week Events a Success!

  We were so happy to see so many people dressed up in our Earth themed colours throughout the week! We may not be together as we would normally be, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun and get involved as a community. We had some great entries for our House minute to win

Love Our Earth!

  The Kindergarten classes have enjoyed learning about the 3R’s. REDUCE – REUSE – RECYCLE! We read many books about the Earth, we sang recycling songs and we danced. We loved Earth week!  Look at us shine in the ZOOM ROOM! -Kindergarten Team

Individual and Unique

  In Math class this week, 6C analyzed, drew and measured angles. One of our main activities this week was analyzing snowflakes. We looked at real snowflakes and the various and unique angles within them. We then looked at the angles of a snowflake on our worksheet. We finally learned how to create a six-sided

Le Jour de la Terre

  The JK and SK classes have been learning about “Le Jour de la Terre” in French class for the past few weeks. They discussed ways in which we can make the Earth “contente” and “triste” by placing pictures associated with the environment in the appropriate category during their Zoom lessons with Mme Gurney. Both classes

We Love Planet Earth

  Grade 3A was given the challenge of giving back to the Earth.  We all decided to make bird feeders with materials that we had at home.  Some students took old bird feeders and repainted them.  Other students used materials from the recycling bin to make their creations.  Our bird feeders were filled with peanut

Empowering Your Family

  Thanks again to all of our Crestwood families and educators who were able to view last week’s webinar with Michael Eisen of Youth Wellness Network about the importance of self-care and open family communication. The attached guide, Empowering Your Family and Decreasing Stress, outlines the practical strategies and approaches featured in the webinar. Youth

News from the Art Room

  We had another creative week! We were learning about 20th Century artists. The grade 6 students chose work that inspired them and created replicas of famous art. Well done guys and girls!! Our grade 5’s studied birds of Canada and worked on interactive art. So many great ideas came out of this project! The

Earth Week Kahoot

Earth Week is upon us and our House Heads are preparing to host some Earth Week Kahoot trivia sessions as well as start some other Crestwood community challenges. All student participants will receive house points for their House! Please keep a close eye on the Edsby River for more information! -David Cooper

Out of this World STEM Challenges

This week, the students of 6A showed creativity and innovation when they tackled Space-themed STEM challenges using materials found in their homes. Some students used marshmallows to recreate constellations while others used oreos to model the phases of the moon. It was a tasty way to learn about our night sky! Others created Alien Parachutes


Dear Crestwood School BrainPOP users, We hope you’re staying safe and healthy! This is just a heads-up to let you know that we’ve scheduled routine maintenance for this weekend. As a result, our sites may be down for a period, or you may experience intermittent issues during that time. We apologize for any inconvenience this

Michael Eisen Recording

Crestwood School would like to thank, Michael Eisen, the founder of the Youth Wellness Network for his informative and timely talk on Wednesday evening. The Youth Wellness Network (YWN) is an organization that partners with schools, community groups, and families to promote mental health, resilience, and well-being.  This parent session was one component of a

Under the Sea

The JKs have had a great time exploring Under the Sea. They completed many activities. They made a snorkel to visit all the Under the Sea creatures and even created their own aquariums out of water bottles and shoebox Under the Sea dioramas. Way to go JK ZOOM School Learning! –Melodie Young

Online Athletic Activities

As part of the Online Learning Program Crestwood School is offering Online Athletic Activities, which may include a workout class, yoga, Tabata, dance or circuit training. In this regard, Crestwood physical education classes are bringing motivational workouts, health and fitness content and resources to your home as part of its online learning community. The student