
  Dear Parents, Happy October! We can’t believe we have made it through the first month of school! We are so proud of the progress students have made in such a short period of time. This week was jam packed with Toonie Tuesday and Pizza lunch, the Terry Fox Run, Orange Shirt Day, our Primary

Gimme Shelter

  Our 4A class has been exploring the beautiful forest around Crestwood as part of our habitats unit in Science. The students have been investigating local plant and animal life, finding various wildlife shelters and learning about the food chains that exist right here in our community. –Katie Maalouf  


  Dear Parents, Congratulations to everyone on completing Week 3 of our 2020/2021 school year! It has been so wonderful to watch new friendships forming, see students engaging with new activities both in and out of the classroom, and to top it all off, we’ve had nothing but beautiful weather each day! In the Primary

Lost Library Books

  Hi all Many students still have books from before the March Break.  Hopefully the books were enjoyed over and over again while all of us were stuck at home!  There are hundreds of books still out there.  They are easily recognizable as they have a spine label as well as a Crestwood barcode.  Please have

Toonie Tuesday

  Toonie Tuesday is next week on Tuesday, September 29th. Please be reminded that students are required to contribute a toonie in order to wear casual clothes (non-uniform) on these special days. Homeroom teachers will collect these toonies and all monies will be used to fund our “Crestwood Cares” community service initiatives. Thank you for your

Hand It To Grace!

  Dear Parents Please let us know if there are any changes that we need to add to your child’s confidential information. If all information remains the same as that submitted over the summer there is no need to click below. Click here to update your info. Thank you for your cooperation.

Hello Crestwood Community!

  My name is Brandi Taylor and I am taking over for Kathleen Davies for the 20/21 school year. I graduated from Queen’s University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Music. I have been teaching in the Durham District School Board for the last two years and am looking forward

House Cup – Here We Come!

  Despite many hurdles in the way, last Friday the House Heads initiated the race for the house cup and the search for a new 2020/2021 Crestwood house champion! Things began with the first House Colour Day where students were able to let everyone see their house spirit by showing off their house colour clothes!

Let It Rain!

  With rain forecast for the coming week we want to remind all parents and students to arrive at school dressed and ready for the changing seasonal weather. Come dressed in rain boots to keep those socks and feet dry and a rain jacket. All Physical Education classes and recess periods will take place outside

Allergy Alert

  Crestwood School is a nut-free environment. As some of you may be aware, there are children in our school who are allergic to peanuts, pine nuts, tree nuts, and other kinds of nuts. This allergy can cause an anaphylactic reaction – meaning the airway can close up and cause breathing to stop. Given that


  Dear Parents, We are thrilled to have finished our first full week of the 2020/2021 school year. Students, teachers and parents have all done a fabulous job adjusting to the new routines and procedures, and school life is feeling (almost) normal again!  We want to send a HUGE thank you to our teachers who

Lost Library Books

  Hi all Many students still have books from before the March Break.  Hopefully the books were enjoyed over and over again while all of us were stuck at home!  Please have a look around for them and send them back to school as soon as possible. Thank you. –Lara Bafaro, Teacher/Librarian

Artist Exploration

  Hundreds of years ago, before the invention of cameras, explorers took artists with them on long voyages to draw the many exciting things they discovered. We don’t need to travel many miles by sea or train to be an artist explorer. These treasures were found right outside of our school doors! –Anya Romanenko  

Online Learning for Sick Students

  Dear Parents, Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in screening your child(ren) each morning for COVID symptoms. We know it is not easy to keep your child at home for symptoms such as headaches and runny noses, however, this is imperative to the health and safety of all students and staff. Please


  Welcome back everyone! And a very warm welcome to all of our new families! The anticipation is finally over!!! It was so wonderful to see all the students on the first day of school; seeing the smiling faces, smelling the lunches, and hearing the children’s laughter warmed our hearts! We would like to take

6A Hits ‘The Spot’

  6A has gotten off to a wonderful and safe start this school year. We have been getting used to our new school routine while trying to get to know each other and have a great time. We really enjoyed the nature walk we took, which is now known as ‘The Spot.’ Hopefully, we will

Aftercare – Important Info

  Please note the slight change to pick up protocol from aftercare. If aftercare is being held on the field in behind the Atrium, please park your car and pick up your child directly from there (please wear a mask). If the weather calls for aftercare to be held indoors, please come to the front

Primary Computers Says…

  Grade 1-3 students worked hard learning the ins and outs of Zoom.  They had the opportunity to use the annotation tool before class started to share something special with you.  Each class from grades 1-3 drew a picture and/or wrote a message for everyone at Crestwood.  We hope you enjoy their collage! –Jennifer Kim  

Last Day Blues

All of the Grade 3’s came together on the last day of school to celebrate with an ice cream party.  There were popsicles, ice cream cones, sundaes, and lots and lots of toppings on our screens.  We read the story Last Day Blues by Julie Danneberg and shared all of things that we will miss about Grade

Happily Ever After!

  Once upon a time, there were two Grade One classes – Grade 1A and Grade 1B. The beginning of the school year felt like, “Once upon a time,” when they started on the very first day in September and entered their magical kingdoms.  As time went by, they were transported into the Zoom Room