Private School Tax Seminar

Dear Crestwood Parents, Private School tuition payments represent a significant investment. The School, through CIBC will be offering a workshop on efficient tax strategies related to tuition payments on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 at 7:00PM. Please click here to attend this virtual workshop. Please be advised that this seminar is offered only as a public service to


  Dear Parents, We can’t believe we are writing to you on the last day of Term 1, 2020! We are so proud of the progress our students have made and are so thankful to the teachers for the tremendous job they have done during this unprecedented time.  We are so grateful to have made


  Dear Parents, We are thrilled with the enthusiasm for our food drive donations. Thank you for supporting this initiative. We will continue to accept donations until Dec. 17th.  Just a reminder to check that all food items are not expired. There are drop off boxes in the main building as well as in the


  Dear Parents, We are so excited to be initiating a holiday food drive starting on Monday, December 7. Our Community Service team will support us in spreading awareness and getting students excited to donate non perishable food items.  Please make sure that the food items are not expired. There will be drop off boxes

Dec. 7th – 17th

  Dear Crestwood Parents: With your assistance, Crestwood School’s Community Service Committee is initiating a two- week long food drive to assist those in need in the Toronto area. We will be collecting non-perishable food items (not expired)  to contribute to the North York fire station’s initiative at Bayview and York Mills, beginning Monday, December


  Dear Parents, Monday was probably the most beautiful day this week!  As we drove down the hill we could see all the trees covered in fresh snow and it was like driving in a winter wonderland. The students were so excited to go out for recess where they enjoyed building snowmen, snow forts, making

What’s the Matter?

The grade 5 classes enjoyed a virtual Scientist in the School this week. They explored states of matter and physical and chemical changes through experimentation. They especially loved creating a chemical change using red cabbage powder, vitamin C, baking soda, epsom salts and water! The students had a wonderful time and really showed off their

Veep Beep

  Three months into the school year and our new drop off and pick up routine seems to be running smoothly. The majority of parents and guardians are to be commended for diligently following the school’s procedures and showing courtesy and patience, particularly during the busy pick-up times.  Zone 2 Drop off in AM The drop-off area


  Dear Parents, This week at school was another one filled with much learning and growing.  On Tuesday evening we hosted Emma Fogel, who is a pediatric social worker, and she shared with us how to shift and refrain the way we view stress or anxiety so that it is helpful to us, rather than

Did you know…

  Tigers love water because it helps them cool down when they are hot. Max, R Sharks have fins and they use them to break tiny pieces of coral. Cosimo  Frogs have webbed feet to swim really fast in water. Aaron  The black mamba can grow up to 2.97 meters long.  Sebastian The polar bear

CSPA Meeting Minutes

The CSPA would like to thank all of the parents who were able to join us for our recent virtual CSPA meeting. For those who were unable to attend the meeting we are providing the meeting minutes and access to the Zoom recording for the meeting. We will update the school community in advance of


  Dear Parents, While it was a short week with students in school enjoying the glorious warm weather, we still managed to squeeze in some important events! Thank you to the admin team of the CSPA for hosting the first ZOOM CSPA meeting this past Tuesday. We were so pleased by the exceptional turnout, and

P/T ZOOM Meetings

  We simply wanted to take a minute to thank all of our parents for booking and attending your teacher conferences yesterday. It was a very busy day with over 650 overall meetings being booked through our Edsby system. The feedback from both teachers and parents has been overwhelmingly positive. As always, thank you for

Body Percussion

3A and SKA had a lot of laughs experimenting with body percussion or “patching” using stomps, pats, claps and stamps. In these videos they are following a “roadmap” on the smart board. They did a great job for their first time! –Amanda Birchard  


  Dear Parents, Happy November! What a beautiful start to the month, starting with this unexpected burst of great weather! We started this week in boots and snow pants, and ended with T-shirts and shorts! Another friendly reminder to make sure your child is coming to school dressed for the weather for their recesses and

Bon Appétit

  When we think about our school we quickly point to the students and teaching staff but we have many other people who work behind the scenes to support our community. We will attempt to shine a light on these important individuals in the next couple of weeks. We start with our Crestwood School food