Photography Club 

Crestwood’s Photography Club (Grades 4 – 6) has been meeting on Tuesday for the past couple of weeks. The first theme we explored was “Of Importance”. As each student shared a picture of something that is important to them, we learned a little more about one another. Then, it was time to take selfies that

Flipgrid Consent

  Dear Parent or Guardian: We are always looking for new and creative ways to engage our students and enhance their experiences so for some of our online activities we’ll be working with an exciting new tool…Flipgrid. Flipgrid is the leading video discussion platform used by tens of millions of PreK to PhD educators, students,

Snowman Stories in 1A

  The Grade One students have been learning about the different seasons. This week, they focused on winter. For one activity the students used a legend/key to create a snowman reflecting how they feel about winter related topics. They will be using their uniquely designed snowmen to write their very own snowman adventures. Stay tuned for some

Turning Up the Heat in 1B

  With winter truly arriving this week, the Grade Ones entered the Zoom Science Lab and built their own thermometers. With a plastic bottle, straw, plasticine, water, and food colouring they went to work. They explored the concept of expansion and contraction and completed a science report recording their materials, procedure, and observations. Way to

Rock n’ Roll Jam Session

  The JKs and SKA went on the road with Jimmy Fallon and the Roots! But not before we scoured our homes for found objects, like toasters, boots, and umbrella’s to make music with! It was a ‘for real rock ’n roll jam’ when we played Under Pressure by Queen & David Bowie! and we

Art Room Rumblings

The grade six students started learning how to draw people in motion using stick figures as a base. They created these genre drawings which represent everyday life using their new skills. Enjoy their beautiful creations. Dara Akodu Isabelle Kim Divya Ghanekar Sanad Etoom


  Dear Parents, We have made it through one whole month of remote learning! Congratulations to all students, parents and teachers! We are so proud of everyone for their hard work and determination to overcome all the obstacles that come with online learning.  We were excited to launch our ZOOM clubs this week, and it


  Dear Parents, As we bring week 3 of remote learning to a close, we hope everyone has some successes and joyous moments to share. While it can feel stressful and overwhelming to get through these weeks, remember to stay positive, and focus on the good things that happened. Wrapping up the week with our

Magic School Bus

  On Friday, January 22nd 4B hopped on a virtual school bus and ‘travelled’ to The Ontario Science Centre for a virtual field trip. We participated in a program on light and sound. Through experiments, demonstrations and conversations we learned about how people and animals use light and sound every day. Did you know that

Waddle of a Week!

  We had a waddle of a week learning about penguins! They are fascinating birds. Our Kindergarten ZOOM room was filled with penguin songs, crafts, literacy and numeracy activities. See if you can solve Hudson’s penguin joke. What do penguins like to eat? A: Icebergers   –Julie Fox & Carly Hebscher

Backwards day in J.K. today

We wore our clothes and hats backwards We sat backwards on our chairs We counted backwards and wrote our names backwards (see in the corner of our screen) We even sang the ABCs backwards A fun day in K.J …..I mean J.K –Ros Sandler & Melodie Young

Crestwood Clubs

  Please take a moment to check out some of the fun and cooperative clubs being offered next week. Click image below to view the club list with Zoom links and additional info. Students can also navigate via Edsby to their Groups and click on ‘Find More’ – once they discover the club they are

Oh, the Places 5A will Go!

  This week 5A’s theme was, Oh the Places You’ll Go, by Dr. Seuss. The students left Toronto (virtually — we know about the travel restrictions!) for the week and chose other countries to explore. Each student created a Google Slideshow and presented his/her chosen destination. Today, the students became Dr. Seuss Travel Agents as

Artist of the Month

I am pleased to announce the artist of the month – Lyla Bender. I know how much energy,time and effort this little artist has been putting into her work.Every class,Lyla brings full pages of new drawings to show me. I am proud of you Lyla, keep up the good work! Congratulations Lyla!!! My name is


  Dear Parents, Congratulations on completing the second week of online learning! We hope families have started to settle into a routine, and that students are adjusting to this virtual environment (again). We know how challenging remote learning can be, and we are so proud of our students for trying to make the best of

When YOU Were Five?

  “For January’s  “Of the Month” artist, we discussed and listened to the music of Mozart. Since Mozart began playing the piano and composing music at age five, I asked the students what they were doing at age five. Click on the image below to reveal their unedited, raw responses using the Zoom chat platform.”


  Dear Parents, Welcome to 2021! We hope you all had a much-needed restful and relaxing holiday season. While we could not return to in-person learning this week, we were excited to welcome the students to Virtual School and it was so nice to see everyone’s smiling faces again; this time without masks! We are