Swimming Results

The results for the OFSAA swim meet are in and the Skain sisters proved that they are as strong at the Provincial level, as they are at the local one. Maddie Skain, in her first OFSAA appearance, swam a personal best time in the 50 fly, to place 8th overall. Not to be out done, Caiti

S.S. Ethie

Ms. Bryant would like to extend a huge, all-encompassing, world-turning congratulations to the cast and crew of Crestwood’s Sears Festival production of “S.S. Ethie.” The show, performed on Tuesday evening at Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts, went extremely well and students should be extremely proud of themselves. None of this, however, could have been possible without


On Monday March 2nd, Crestwood’s Student Government organized a fun-filled, after-school journey to Playdium for Grade 7 and 8 students. Those in attendance enjoyed high-tech attractions, arcade games, bumper cars and more! It was a great experience and we are looking forward to similar events in the future.

Spring Tryouts

With all the snow, it is hard to believe but the Spring Athletic Season is upon us!  Below is a list of teams we will be offering this spring.  The first tryout date and the coaches are also included. Team Coach First Try-out date U14 boys rugby (Gr. 7-8) Mr. M. Pagano / Mr. Tanev


Grade 8 student, Alex Martin and grade 7 student, Samara Black competed in Kiwanis this past week in the musical theatre category. They preformed magnificently and in the up tempo, Alex got first gold in her group and in contemporary she was awarded first platinum. Samara was wonderful in her play (she played Marmee in

OFSAA Bound – Swimmers and Curlers

Next week Caiti and Maddie Skain will be representing Crestwood Preparatory College at the OFSAA swimming championships. This will be Caiti’s third trip to OFSAA as she continues to show her fierce competitive streak. This is Maddie’s first trip to OFSAA and she will be defending her undefeated CISAA title in the 50 butterfly. Crestwood

Black History Month Guest Speaker

On Tuesday February 24th, the grade 8’s attended a workshop given by Shelley Hamilton, educating them about Black History Month from a Canadian perspective.  Ms. Hamilton used musical and spoken word to enlighten students about the history of her roots as were passed down to her from her Nova Scotian ancestors.  The workshop included how

S.S. Ethie Production

On Tuesday, March 3rd, Crestwood student will be performing in the Sears Ontario Drama Festival at Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts. Their production, “S.S. Ethie” by Shane Ellis Coates, tells the story of a group of passengers on a coastal steamer that was run aground in December 1919 off the coast of Newfoundland. Using both

Ice Skating

On Tuesday February 24th, Crestwood’s International Club braved the cold to go ice skating at Harbourfront. While the wind was cold, we bundled up and hit the ice! Great fun was had by all.

Cafeteria Update

Over the past few months, food prices across the country have risen and all of our grocery bills have climbed.  These rising food costs have been felt here at the school in our cafeteria costs.  We have been absorbing these costs and have not increased meal costs to the students since September 2013.  Unfortunately, we

CISAA Parent Workshop

The Conference of Independent Schools’ Athletic Association will be proudly presenting a very informative workshop for parents of our male and female student/athletes. The workshop will be hosted on Tuesday March 31st, 2015 from 7:00-8:30pm in George Weston Hall (Upper Canada College Preparatory School) Best of all, there will be admission fee. If you are

Sports Update

Congratulations to the varsity boy’s hockey team on their win against SJK. Being down 2-0 at the end of the first period, made for an uphill climb back into the game. The boys were relentless and pushed the pace of play for the rest of the game. Their hard work paid off, as they evened


Wondering what is for lunch for this up-coming week? Click here Cafeteria Update Over the past few months, food prices across the country have risen and all of our grocery bills have climbed.  These rising food costs have been felt here at the school in our cafeteria costs.  We have been absorbing these costs and

Parents Association

The PA is starting to plan for next year. We are looking for feedback from the parents.  The School Bundles Coordinator is preparing for next year and is also looking for some feedback. Would you like to see parent mornings with special guest speakers? A walking club? A Crestwood Prep Blue Jays Game? A Facebook

Guidance Visits Careers Class

The Guidance Department visited the Grade 10 Careers classes this week to begin talking about postsecondary pathways, and important information to help students make decisions around career planning. These three-class sessions will introduce students to tools they may use to help them consider their strengths and interests, and ways in which they may explore these

Valentine’s Day

YARRD/Me to We would like to thank the entire Crestwood community for its support last week. Thanks for your efforts and participation in the Friday Red, Pink and White Grub Day and Candy-Gram sales. We raised $1005 which will go towards supporting Crestwood’s three foster children.

International Corner

Each month, the International Corner will feature interesting information on different countries that students at Crestwood Preparatory College call home. The month of February has been dedicated to Chinese culture. On Wednesday February 18th, the cafeteria served some delicious Chinese food for lunch to celebrate Chinese New Year. Stay tuned, next month’s theme is Turkey!

CISAA Parent Workshop Date Change

The Conference of Independent Schools’ Athletic Association will be proudly presenting a very informative workshop for parents of our male and female student/athletes. The workshop will be hosted on Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 from 7:00-8:30pm in George Weston Hall (Upper Canada College Preparatory School). Best of all, there will be no cost to attend. If you are interested in

Sports Update

On Wednesday February 18th, the Jr Boys Basketball team hosted CDS in the regular season finale. Led by the hot shooting of Emre Desiru and the defensive presence of Mehmet Hocaouglu, the boys jumped out to an early lead. The second quarter was highlighted by improved play from Ted Kang and Matthew Gionnas, who came up

Parent Association

This week the PA starts their volunteer drive for the remaining 2014-15 school year and the upcoming 2015-16 school year. If you happen to have some time, be it an hour or so on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis… Come join us. We have something for everyone. Larger role, volunteer positions are clearly defined

Ways to Get Into Stanford

Revise Report Just how to seek bankruptcy relief Without Your Partner Declaring for bankruptcy without your spouse is actually a complicated treatment that will or may not give you the defense desired by lenders. Lenders continue to be entitled to require the return of the spouse, even although you be given a discharge if your

Public Service Announcement

As part of the Communication Technology course, Grade 9 students had to create a Public Service Announcement to raise awareness of a topic related to their life at Crestwood. During the next few weeks, we will be publishing some of the PSA’s. This week, we are glad to introduce “Frenemies” that was written, directed, filmed

Student Support Program

At Crestwood, we are proud to provide an education that reaches all types of learners. Part of the success of the program comes from our direct engagement with students in a variety of ways. Crestwood’s Student Services team (made up of Jordana Winograd, Dave Rachlis, and Julie Klein) has, to date, met with every student

Bridge Projects

In Science, the Grade 7s are currently working on the Crestwood Bridge-Building Challenge. For this project, the students are acting as civil engineers, and each one is expected to design, build and test an efficient bridge model (one that holds the most mass sing the least materials) made of Popsicle sticks and carpenter’s glue. The

Sports Update

With the winter sports season wrapping up, teams are getting ready for playoffs. The following teams are playoff bound : U14 Girls Volleyball Jr. Boys Basketball Sr. Boys Basketball Sr. Boys Hockey Varsity Swim Team U14 Swim Team Varsity Boys Curling Team Varsity Girls Curling Team – Heading into playoffs in first place

Parents Association

Fabbrica Night! Fabbrica night was a great success. Special thanks to all the volunteers who helped make it happen and to everyone who participated. It was a night that reinforces the many reasons why we are part of the Crestwood community. The service was fantastic and the food was delicious. It was a wonderful setting for everyone


Crestwood staff and students will eat well this upcoming week! Tuesday, February 17th is a pancake lunch to celebrate Mardi Gras. Wednesday February 18th will be a Chinese themed lunch, to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Multicultural Day

On Friday, February 6th, Crestwood Preparatory College hosted its 13th annual Multicultural Day.  This is a time when the students, who are enrolled in CGC1D, research a country of their choice discovering interesting facts about it and learning how to cook a dessert, appetizer or main traditional dish of the country. As part of Multicultural