Grade 8 & 12 Graduations

Grade 8 Graduation

On Wednesday, June 19th, 2019 our Grade 8 Graduation will be held in the gymnasium starting at 5:00 pm. Gym doors will open at 4:15 and seating is on a first come basis. The ceremony will last until approximately 6:00 pm and will be followed by light refreshments. Students are to be dressed for this formal occasion (males – shirt & tie and females – dress or skirt) and will be wearing Graduation gowns for the ceremony. All students are to arrive at the school by 4:30 pm. You should have received a formal invitation in the mail and are asked to RSVP to Ms. Victoria Escamillan at so that all arrangements can be made. There is no limit to the number of guests you are allowed to bring to the ceremony and we hope everyone will be able to join us to recognize the accomplishments of the Grade 8 Class of 2019.

Grade 12 Graduation

On Thursday, June 20th, 2019 our Grade 12 Graduation will be held in the gymnasium starting at 5:00 pm. Gym doors will open at 4:15 and seating is on a first come basis. The ceremony will last until approximately 6:15 pm and will be followed by light refreshments. Students are to be dressed for this formal occasion (males – shirt & tie and females – dress or skirt) and will be wearing Graduation gowns for the ceremony. All students are to arrive at the school by 4:15 pm. There is no limit to the number of guests you are allowed to bring to the ceremony and we hope everyone will be able to join us to recognize the accomplishments of the Grade 12 Class of 2019. You should have received a formal invitation and response card in the mail and asked to return them to the office by Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018 (please ensure you complete both sides of the response cards).