Parents’ Association News

Nice start for the Parents’ Association.
The Parents’ Association held its first meeting of the school year this week.  The meeting was very well attended and it was nice to see so many smiling new faces.  Updates on upcoming activities were given and attendees were encouraged to put forth suggestions and ideas ongoing.  Of course, participation is always welcome.
If you would like to contact the Parents’ Association to volunteer or for any reason, please don’t hesitate to send us an email.  The PA email address is
Parent / Staff Social
Please join us for the annual Parent/Staff Social on the evening of Thursday, October 25 at The Fix Resto Bar.  Details will be sent out soon in this newsletter and on edsby in the Parent Community section.
Pizza Lunch sign-up deadline fast approaching.
The final date to sign up for pizza lunch has been extended to September 28, so please get your forms and payment in quickly.
The cost is $65 for 7 pizza lunches. Payment can be made via Crestwood Cash on the website or by cheque or cash, with your completed form, at the main office.
The first pizza lunch is Friday October 12.
Please contact Kit with any questions at