Leave A Lasting Impression

Do you have an interest in advertising in our 2018/19 school yearbook? Well it is now or never. Read below to find out more.

Who will see my ad?

Crestwood’s yearbook is a 128-page, (28cm by 22cm) full-colour, hardcover book. Every year there are approximately 400 copies in circulation within the Crestwood community. Every student and staff member receives a copy. Books are also available at our front office for any potential new students on a tour of our school.

Business ads and Recognition ads

Within the book Mr. Greenacre has allocated space for both business advertisement and recognition advertisements. A business advertisement can be something as simple as a business card or a full page of photographs and graphics. A recognition advertisement is a great way to celebrate your child’s success, milestones and reflect on the person that they have become.

How can I make my ad?

It is easy to create an advertisement. You can simply send Mr. Greenacre a .jpg/.png (picture) file and he can upload it into the book. Alternatively, Mr. Greenacre can help you design your own advertisement and place it in the yearbook.

What is the cost?

Prices vary depending on the size of advertisement that you wish to place.

Full page – $350

1/2 page – $200

1/4 page – $100

1/8 page – $60

* Payments by Cheque to Crestwood School / in person at the school office. All funds raised go towards the production of the yearbook.

More information?

If you have any further questions please email kevin.greenacre@ohp.crestwood.on.ca or stop by the school at your convenience.