CSPA Meeting Minutes – Sept 12, 2017

CSPA Meeting Minutes   Sept 12, 2017

CSPA Executive Team…President – Melanie Morel…Co-Vice President – Pam Sulpizi

Co-Vice President – Renita Greener..Treasure – Maryann Francis.. Secretary – Linda Fata-Glover



A big welcome and thank you from Melanie Morel. Introductions of the CSPA team made. CSPA focus is to enhance our students learning environment through fundraising and community initiatives. The CSPA team is open to suggestions and encourages volunteers to come forward.

Dalia’s Update

Construction – ongoing, no new information since first day of school

Hot Lunch – new caterer Rose Reisman, everyone seems to be pleased

Garbage bins – poor location for the garbage bins, they are an eye sore and they consume a lot of space. Bins are located in front of the school facing Lawrence. York University unwilling to have bins placed in the back parking lot (old pickup area). Waste management came to assess. Their suggestion only took parking spots away from the school staff. Smaller bins and more frequent pickups suggested but bin capacity is compromised. Painting the bins in school colours or a theme suggested.

Curriculum night this week – Grade 6 curriculum night tonight. Grade JK-2 Wed Sept 13th and Grade 3-6 Thursday Sept 14th.

Welcome Back BBQ Sponsored By CSPA

Tuesday Sept 19, 2017 at 5:30 (1.5hr duration). Food and Music

Great way to meet the Crestwood community. Hotdogs, burgers, corn on the cob and mac/cheese will be served.

Food drive during this event- everyone is encouraged to bring a non-perishable item to the BBQ. Please check expiry dates on items. A bin for collecting items will be available at the BBQ.

Crestwood Cares – Patti Hektor

(Former Principal of Grade 4-6 at Crestwood)

Patti has agreed to return and lead this initiative. Crestwood Cares brings together our school’s CSPA, parents, students and staff in order to not only actively give back, and assist those in need, but to act as role models to help our children understand the importance of charitable endeavours.  Crestwood’s House Heads act as the leaders of many of our community service activities within the school, helping to inspire the involvement of our entire population.  These student leaders plan, advertise and run a number of fundraising activities throughout the year.  This year, the House Head programme at Crestwood is directed by Jennifer Krashinsky, (Grade 6 Teacher), and David Cooper, (Physical Education teacher).  Together, the Crestwood Cares team has put together a number of fundraising activities and caring endeavours in which our children will be involved throughout the year.  These will include Food Drives for the North York Harvest Food Bank, a “Skip It” Fundraiser in order to continue to help provide an education for Thomas, Gilo and Toni, three students living at the Tuleeni Orphanage in Tanzania,

(run by former Crestwood Lower School student, Ali Hanson), the MS Readathon, the Terry Fox Run, Pink Laces for Multiple Myeloma, letters to veterans and Holiday Baskets for 21 families, (one per class) in need.   Please join Crestwood Cares in supporting our children as they actively learn how they can make a difference.

Thanksgiving Food Drive– non perishable food will be collected by every classroom. Please check expiry dates. A bin will also be available at the sponsored CSPA Welcome Back BBQ on Sept 19th.

Holiday Sponsorship – an organization will be chosen, all 21 classes will receive a family to provide for. St. Felix Centre non-profit community centre was mentioned as a possibility. CSPA is open to suggestions.

Art Auction- Tama Sirkis

Great fundraiser for the school. Ms. Romanenko along with Crestwood parent volunteers head this fundraiser. A theme is chosen and each class is given a canvas to paint. The paintings are then sold at the Art Auction. Last year only primary grades participated because of construction in the main building. This year the auction may take place in the spring. More details to come.

Fundraiser Ideas- Melanie Morel, Pam Sulpizi and Renita Greener

The CSPA welcome your ideas! Please email them to melaniemorel@outlook.com pamsulpizi@hotmail.com , renitagreener@gmail.com and cspa@ohp.crestwood.on.ca

Parents at the meeting suggested a cupcake drive/bake sale. Also, Mr. Freeze Friday sale

Volunteer Signup

Forms are being gathered daily. Only 7 spots filled for the “class parent”. Each teacher will hand out signup forms during the curriculum night and explain the “class parent” role.

For the parents who have signed up for volunteer positions, you will be contacted with in the next week or two.

New Crestwood Cardigan

Available now for $80.00. Contact Paragon Blu Dave Cunningham 416-922-6400

Suggestion made that we can get samples from Dave regarding the cardigan so students can try them on for size.

Used Uniform Sale – Linda Fata-Glover, Jennifer Drevnig, Julie Cash and Sherry Adud

lbjglover@gmail.com and cspa@ohp.crestwood.on.ca

Gently used uniforms priced at 50% off. Please contact Linda if you are interested in volunteering for this fundraiser. We continue to collect used uniforms that are in good condition. Please drop off at the front desk. All proceeds go back to enhance our children’s learning environment.

Pickup and Drop off

Students are to use the manned crosswalk near the front office at all times. Especially “After Care” students that are going to the canopy building.

More staff to man these key areas and maybe volunteers if needed.

Question of police officer to work during pickup and drop off. Paid duty officers are required to be paid for 4 hours and do not do split shifts. Hence cost prohibited.

Parents are advised to follow the guidelines mailed out to each family and to be patient. We all want our children to be safe.

Technology- Mr. Connors

Luke has organized a CSPA email address cspa@ohp.crestwood.on.ca . You can now reach us with this email. Also coming soon “live streaming” for some of the Crestwood events.

Don’t forget to check out Crestwood on Instagram and Facebook!!

On behalf of CSPA thank you for attending our first meeting of 2017-18. We hope to see you again October 10, 2017 at 9am in the library for our next meeting.