Parent Association

This week the PA starts their volunteer drive for the remaining 2014-15 school year and the upcoming 2015-16 school year.

If you happen to have some time, be it an hour or so on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis… Come join us. We have something for everyone. Larger role, volunteer positions are clearly defined and posted in the PA section of edsby. All interested parties for any volunteering opportunities, please contact Erica Cooke or Michelle Aitken @ who are coordinating the volunteers.

“This year is my family’s first year at Crestwood and I have to tell you, ordering a school bundle was such a wonderful way to make sure my son had everything he needed to have a great start. Erica, who coordinated the bundles last year, was my first Crestwood parent contact. She welcomed my family to the Crestwood Community, encouraged me to get involved at any level that I was comfortable with.”- Terry McNamara

Michelle has taken on the Bundles Coordinator role this upcoming year and is looking for a few helpers to assist on occasion. It’s a very short term volunteer opportunity and a nice way to be involved and meet some really lovely parents. The new parents really appreciate it!

Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting the various who, what, where, when and how parents volunteer within our Crestwood Community.

And if you happen to have a wonderful new idea or suggestion that you think would further enhance the community, drop us an email at We are looking forward to hearing from you.