Foote, Jack

Jack Foote was born December 2, 1921.  He served on a Motor Torpedo Boat in the Royal Canadian Navy during WW2, and it was his task to patrol the coastal areas from France to the Netherlands, keeping them clear of enemy threats. For many years he and Fred Walden spoke to Mr. Masters’ history classes about their support role in the D-Day invasion and its aftermath. After Mr. Walden passed away in 2008, Mr. Foote decided to retire from speaking at schools but in 2010 he did agree to sit down with Patrick Park and JK Kim for an in depth interview about his wartime experiences. Since then he came out of retirement and came back to Crestwood to speak to History 12 students; he was also our special guest for Remembrance Day 2010, when he was featured on a special broadcast of Crestwood’s Remembrance Day assembly.  We visited Jack one last time at his home in April 2016, when he spoke with Will Paisley, Rory Peckham and Harlan Rich.
