7th Annual Grandparents/Veterans’ Breakfast

Mr. Scott Masters and the Staff and Students at CPC extend an invitation to you and a family member or caregiver to attend a Thank You Breakfast, to be held in honour of the many Veterans and Survivors and Family and Community Members who have contributed their stories to Crestwood’s Oral History Project.  If you haven’t seen it lately, please visit the webpage at https://ohp.crestwood.on.ca/ohp/.  The event, including the meal and entertainment, is scheduled to begin at 9:45 A.M. on the morning of Tuesday, May 16.  It would mean so much for us to be able to thank you for your important contributions.  We hope that you and your guest(s) will be able to attend.  This is a very well-attended event, so please RSVP soon (preferably by e-mail) to Scott Masters at scott.masters@ohp.crestwood.on.ca, or call 416-391-1441 ext. 3369 as soon as possible (hopefully by April 28).