Our Gr.3-6 assembly held on Monday was a gentle introduction to the important topics of : What is Orange Shirt Day? What are residential schools? What could your role in reconciliation be?
Earlier in the day teachers handed out cardstock orange shirts. Students were instructed to cut them out and draw/write:
School should feel…
School should be…
Students need…
and complete that specific statement/thought.
Grade 6 teachers Ms. Krashinsky and Ms. Patton led our discussion on how Crestwood School is a safe, fun place to learn where students can grow, play and interact with friends and trusted mentors.
She continued by highlighting that there was a long period of time in Canada when some children had to attend schools that were not good places, where their experiences were very difficult and different from ours, and these students were hurt in a long-lasting way.
We wrapped our meeting talking about raising awareness of certain harmful histories and how we can participate in commemorating them as well as taking action on current or future inequalities.