Raffle Reminder



Don’t miss your opportunity to participate! Tickets are only $25 each, sell the booklet of four and you will be eligible for the free year’s tuition raffle draw for Crestwood School.

Questions?  Please contact Luanne Pearlman at lupearlman@gmail.com or Debbie Ng-Perkell at ngdebbie@rogers.com

 Tickets are due back on Monday, June 13th. 

 The winners will be drawn on Tuesday, June 14th at Family Fun Day.

So send your cash or cheques (payable to the CSPA) to the office as soon as possible!

If you would like to purchase extra booklet/tickets, please contact Grace grace.cruz@ohp.crestwood.on.ca at the office.

Thank you for your support

The Crestwood Raffle Committee